Basic Sales Training Level I - Environmental Simulation
Information before the training starts

History Weiss Technik

Company history Vötsch Industrietechnik – location Balingen

Standard products from the production site Lindenstruth

Standard chambers, produced in Balingen

Product Overview Heat Technology

Introduction Environmental Simulation

Introduction to Climate Technology

How to use the price list

Terms and definitions

Requirements and commissioning of a ClimeEvent

First steps with the ClimeEvent

Temperature shock test and products of Weiss Technik

Testing safely and reproducibly

Safety-relevant tests in environmental simulation

Fast and Efficient to the Offer

Basics of data recording and analysis in Environmental Simulation

What is S!MPATI and how use it

Network and Communication - Part 1

Network and Communication - Part 2

Technical Basics Walk-in and Drive-in Chambers

Passion for technology - We are pragmatic - Focus on our customers
Helmut Kipp
Head of weisstechnik academy
Has over 20 years of experience in environmental simulation at weisstechnik, both in service and sales. He is responsible for high quality training for our customers as well as for our worldwide sales and service organization.